Novel Methods for Binding Disparate Materials
McElfresh, M W ; Rudd, R E ; Ratto, T V ; Langry, K C
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
关键词: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory;    75 Condensed Matter Physics, Superconductivity And Superfluidity;    Polymers;    Roughness;    Bonding;   
DOI  :  10.2172/928197
RP-ID  :  UCRL-TR-224096
RP-ID  :  W-7405-ENG-48
RP-ID  :  928197
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This project was intended to advance the science of surface bonding in order to provide the functionality demanded by target fabrication requirements, as well as similar needs in other fields of importance to LLNL. We have developed and demonstrated a very powerful capability, i.e. 'single molecule force spectroscopy', that allows the strength of individual chemical bonds to be measured. This project focused on long chain molecules that are covalently bound to surfaces on one end and have complementary reactive groups that have the potential for bridging between surfaces. In biological systems, long chain tethers provide the mechanism for adhesion between dissimilar surfaces, e.g. bacteria adhesion to cells, and were found useful for developing the methodology. Polymer tethers offer the means to bridge across finite surface roughness and have the potential of forming thin, well-characterized bonds on a variety of surfaces.
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