Exploitation and Optimization of Reservoir Performance in Hunton Formation, Oklahoma
Kelkar, Mohan
University of Tulsa
关键词: Natural Gas Fields;    02 Petroleum;    Oil Fields;    Oklahoma;    Geology;   
DOI  :  10.2172/924620
RP-ID  :  None
RP-ID  :  FC26-00BC15125
RP-ID  :  924620
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Hunton formation in Oklahoma has been the subject of attention for the last ten years. The new interest started with the drilling of the West Carney field in 1995 in Lincoln County. Subsequently, many other operators have expanded the search for oil and gas in Hunton formation in other parts of Oklahoma. These fields exhibit many unique production characteristics, including: (1) decreasing water-oil or water-gas ratio over time; (2) decreasing gas-oil ratio followed by an increase; (3) poor prediction capability of the reserves based on the log data; and (4) low geological connectivity but high hydrodynamic connectivity. The purpose of this investigation is to understand the principal mechanisms affecting the production, and propose methods by which we can optimize the production from fields with similar characteristics.

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