Beam-Ion Instability in PEP-II
Heifets, S. ; Kulikov, A. ; Wang, Min-Huey ; Wienands, U. ; /SLAC
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
关键词: Ions;    43 Particle Accelerators;    Beam Bunching;    Beam Luminosity;    Accelerators,Accphy;   
DOI  :  10.2172/919416
RP-ID  :  SLAC-PUB-12959
RP-ID  :  AC02-76SF00515
RP-ID  :  919416
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The instability in the PEP-II electron ring has been observed while reducing the clearing gap in the bunch train. We study the ion effects in the ring summarizing existing theories of the beam-ion interaction, comparing them with observations, and estimating effect on luminosity in the saturation regime. Considering the gap instability we suggest that the instability is triggered by the beam-ion instability, and discuss other mechanisms pertinent to the instability.

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