SWEIS annual review - CY2002 : a comparison of CY2002 operations to projections included in the site-wide environmental impact statement for continued operation of Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico.
Bayliss, Linda Sue (Outrider Environmental Planning & ; Technical Services, Cedar Crest, NM) ; White, Brenda Bailey (The Plus Group, Inc., Albuquerque, NM) ; Guerrero, Joseph Vincent ; Catechis, Christopher Spyros (Outrider Environmental Planning & ; Technical Services, Cedar Crest, NM)
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Management;    29 Energy Planning, Policy And Economy;    Environmental Impact Statements;    New Mexico;    Safety;   
DOI  :  10.2172/918303
RP-ID  :  SAND2003-3535
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  918303
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The SNL/NM CY2002 SWEIS Annual Review discusses changes in facilities and facility operations that have occurred in selected and notable facilities since source data were collected for the SNL/NM SWEIS (DOE/EIS-0281). The following information is presented: {sm_bullet} An updated overview of SNL/NM selected and notable facilities and infrastructure capabilities. {sm_bullet} An overview of SNL/NM environment, safety, and health programs, including summaries of the purpose, operations, activities, hazards, and hazard controls at relevant facilities and risk management methods for SNL/NM. {sm_bullet} Updated base year activities data, together with related inventories, material consumption, emissions, waste, and resource consumption. {sm_bullet} Appendices summarizing activities and related hazards at SNL/NM individual special, general, and highbay laboratories, and chemical purchases.

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