I-NERI Quarterly Technical Report (April 1 to June 30, 2005)
Oh, Chang ; NO, Prof. Hee Cheon ; Lee, Prof. John ; Martin, Prof. William ; Holloway, Prof. James ; Kim, Prof. Jong ; Park, Prof. Goon Cherl
Idaho National Laboratory
关键词: Diffusion;    Chemical Reactions;    Power Distribution;    Pressure Drop;    Heat Transfer;   
DOI  :  10.2172/911750
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT-05-00543
RP-ID  :  DE-AC07-99ID-13727
RP-ID  :  911750
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The objective of this Korean/United States/laboratory/university collaboration is to develop new advanced computational methods for safety analysis codes for very-high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (VHTGRs) and numerical and experimental validation of these computer codes. This study consists of five tasks for FY-03: (1) development of computational methods for the VHTGR, (2) theoretical modification of aforementioned computer codes for molecular diffusion (RELAP5/ATHENA) and modeling CO and CO2 equilibrium (MELCOR), (3) development of a state-of-the-art methodology for VHTGR neutronic analysis and calculation of accurate power distributions and decay heat deposition rates, (4) reactor cavity cooling system experiment, and (5) graphite oxidation experiment. Second quarter of Year 3: (A) Prof. NO and Kim continued Task 1. As a further plant application of GAMMA code, we conducted two analyses: IAEA GT-MHR benchmark calculation for LPCC and air ingress analysis for PMR 600MWt. The GAMMA code shows comparable peak fuel temperature trend to those of other country codes. The analysis results for air ingress show much different trend from that of previous PBR analysis: later onset of natural circulation and less significant rise in graphite temperature. (B) Prof. Park continued Task 2. We have designed new separate effect test device having same heat transfer area and different diameter and total number of U-bands of air cooling pipe. New design has smaller pressure drop in the air cooling pipe than the previous one as designed with larger diameter and less number of U-bands. With the device, additional experiments have been performed to obtain temperature distributions of the water tank, the surface and the center of cooling pipe on axis. The results will be used to optimize the design of SNU-RCCS. (C) Prof. NO continued Task 3. The experimental work of air ingress is going on without any concern: With nuclear graphite IG-110, various kinetic parameters and reaction rates for the C/CO2 reaction were measured. Then, the rates of C/CO2 reaction were compared to the ones of C/O2 reaction. The rate equation for C/CO2 has been developed. (D) INL added models to RELAP5/ATHENA to cacilate the chemical reactions in a VHTR during an air ingress accident. Limited testing of the models indicate that they are calculating a correct special distribution in gas compositions. (E) INL benchmarked NACOK natural circulation data. (F) Professor Lee et al at the University of Michigan (UM) Task 5. The funding was received from the DOE Richland Office at the end of May and the subcontract paperwork was delivered to the UM on the sixth of June. The objective of this task is to develop a state of the art neutronics model for determining power distributions and decay heat deposition rates in a VHTGR core. Our effort during the reporting period covered reactor physics analysis of coated particles and coupled nuclear-thermal-hydraulic (TH) calculations, together with initial calculations for decay heat deposition rates in the core.

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