Nondestructive Evaluation of the VSC-17 Cask
Morton, Sheryl ; Carlson, Al ; Hoffman, Cecilia ; Rivera, James ; Winston, Phil ; Shirai, Koji ; Takahashi, Shin ; Tanaka, Masaharo
Idaho National Laboratory
关键词: Storage;    12 - Mgmt Of Radioactive And Non-Radioactive Wastes From Nuclear Facilities, 36 - Materials Science;    Temperature Distribution;    Casks;    Electric Power Industry;   
DOI  :  10.2172/911569
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT-05-00968
RP-ID  :  DE-AC07-99ID-13727
RP-ID  :  911569
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
In 2003, representatives from the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) requested development of a project with the objective of determining the performance of a concrete spent nuclear fuel storage cask. Radiation and environmental effects may cause chemical alteration of the concrete that could result in excessive cracking, spalling, and loss of compressive strength. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) project team and CRIEPI representatives identified the Ventilated Storage Cask (VSC 17) spent nuclear fuel storage cask, originally located at the INL Test Area North, as a candidate to study cask performance because it had been used to store fuel as part of a dry cask storage demonstration project for over 15 years. The project involved investigating the properties of the concrete shield. INL performed a survey of the cask in the summers of 2003 and 2004. The INL team met with the CRIEPI representatives in December of 2004 to discuss the next steps. As a result of that meeting, CRIEPI requested that in the summer 2005 INL perform additional surveys on the VSC 17 cask with participation of CRIEPI scientists. This document summarizes the evaluation methods used on the VSC 17 to evaluate the cask for compressive strength, concrete cracking, concrete thickness, and temperature distribution.
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