Simulation of the Beating Heart Based on Physically Modeling aDeformable Balloon
Rohmer, Damien ; Sitek, Arkadiusz ; Gullberg, Grant T.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
关键词: Differential Equations;    Differential Equation Numerical Method Physically Basedmodeling Tomography;    Data Processing;    Computerized Simulation;    Fluid Flow;   
DOI  :  10.2172/908496
RP-ID  :  LBNL--60664
RP-ID  :  DE-AC02-05CH11231
RP-ID  :  908496
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The motion of the beating heart is complex and createsartifacts in SPECT and x-ray CT images. Phantoms such as the JaszczakDynamic Cardiac Phantom are used to simulate cardiac motion forevaluationof acquisition and data processing protocols used for cardiacimaging. Two concentric elastic membranes filled with water are connectedto tubing and pump apparatus for creating fluid flow in and out of theinner volume to simulate motion of the heart. In the present report, themovement of two concentric balloons is solved numerically in order tocreate a computer simulation of the motion of the moving membranes in theJaszczak Dynamic Cardiac Phantom. A system of differential equations,based on the physical properties, determine the motion. Two methods aretested for solving the system of differential equations. The results ofboth methods are similar providing a final shape that does not convergeto a trivial circular profile. Finally,a tomographic imaging simulationis performed by acquiring static projections of the moving shape andreconstructing the result to observe motion artifacts. Two cases aretaken into account: in one case each projection angle is sampled for ashort time interval and the other case is sampled for a longer timeinterval. The longer sampling acquisition shows a clear improvement indecreasing the tomographic streaking artifacts.

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