Visualizing Chemistry: The Progess and Promise of Advanced Chemical Imaging
Imaging, Committee on Revealing Chemistry Through Advanced Chemical
National Academy of Sciences
关键词: 36 Materials Science;    Biology;    Molecular Biology Chemical Imaging;    Chemical Engineering;    Images;   
DOI  :  10.2172/903289
RP-ID  :  DOE-FG-04156
RP-ID  :  FG02-04ER15624
RP-ID  :  903289
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The field of chemical imaging can provide detailed structural, functional, and applicable information about chemistry and chemical engineering phenomena that have enormous impacts on medicine, materials, and technology. In recognizing the potential for more research development in the field of chemical imaging, the National Academies was asked by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, U.S. Army, and National Cancer Institute to complete a study that would review the current state of molecular imaging technology, point to promising future developments and their applications, and suggest a research and educational agenda to enable breakthrough improvements in the ability to image molecular processes simultaneously in multiple physical dimensions as well as time. The study resulted in a consensus report that provides guidance for a focused research and development program in chemical imaging and identifies research needs and possible applications of imaging technologies that can provide the breakthrough knowledge in chemistry, materials science, biology, and engineering for which we should strive. Public release of this report is expected in early October.

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