Radiochemical Analysis Methodology for uranium Depletion Measurements
DE, Scatena-Wachel
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
关键词: Uranium;    Irradiation;    Program Management;    Radiochemistry;    Quality Control;   
DOI  :  10.2172/903081
RP-ID  :  LM-06K140
RP-ID  :  DE-AC10-00SN39357
RP-ID  :  903081
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This report provides sufficient material for a test sponsor with little or no radiochemistry background to understand and follow physics irradiation test program execution. Most irradiation test programs employ similar techniques and the general details provided here can be applied to the analysis of other irradiated sample types. Aspects of program management directly affecting analysis quality are also provided. This report is not an in-depth treatise on the vast field of radiochemical analysis techniques and related topics such as quality control. Instrumental technology is a very fast growing field and dramatic improvements are made each year, thus the instrumentation described in this report is no longer cutting edge technology. Much of the background material is still applicable and useful for the analysis of older experiments and also for subcontractors who still retain the older instrumentation.

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