关键词: Repair;    Plants;    Management;    Calendars;    Monitoring;   
DOI  :  10.2172/901896
RP-ID  :  DOE/NV--1051
RP-ID  :  DE-AC08-96NV11718
RP-ID  :  901896
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This Post-Closure Inspection Report provides an analysis and summary of the semi-annual inspections conducted at the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) during Calendar Year 2004. The report includes the inspection and/or repair activities completed at the following nine Corrective Action Units (CAUs) located at TTR, Nevada: (1) CAU 400: Bomblet Pit and Five Points Landfill (TTR); (2) CAU 404: Roller Coaster Lagoons and Trench (TTR); (3) CAU 407: Roller Coaster RadSafe Area (TTR); (4) CAU 423: Area 3 Underground Discharge Point, Building 0360 (TTR) (5) CAU 424: Area 3 Landfill Complexes (TTR); (6) CAU 426: Cactus Spring Waste Trenches (TTR); (7) CAU 427: Area 3 Septic Waste Systems 2,6 (TTR); (8) CAU 453: Area 9 UXO Landfill (TTR); and (9) CAU 487: Thunderwell Site (TTR). Site inspections were conducted on July 7,2004, and November 9-10,2004. All inspections were conducted according to the post-closure plans in the approved Closure Reports (CRs). The post-closure inspection plan for each CAU is included in Appendix B, with the exception of CAU 400 and CAU 423. CAU 400 does not require post-closure inspections, but inspections of the vegetation and fencing are conducted as a best management practice. In addition, post-closure inspections are not currently required at CAU 423; however, the CR is being revised to include inspection requirements. The inspection checklists for each site inspection are included in Appendix C, the field notes are included in Appendix D, and the site photographs are included in Appendix E. Vegetation monitoring of CAU 400, CAU 404, CAU 407, and CAU 426 was performed in June 2004, and the vegetation monitoring report is included in Appendix F. In addition, topographic survey results of two repaired landfill cells in CAU 424 are included in Appendix G. Maintenance and/or repairs were performed at the CAU 400 Five Points Landfill, CAU 407, CAU 424, CAU 427, and CAU 487. CAU 400 repairs included mending the fence, reseeding of a flood damaged area, and anchoring straw bales in the wash to help control erosion at the Five Points Landfill. CAU 407 repairs included erosion repair, reseeding the cover, and replacement of one warning sign. CAU 424 repairs included filling topographically low areas to the surrounding grade. This was performed at Landfill Cell A3-1 (CAS 03-08-001-A301) and Landfill Cell A3-4 (CAS 03-08-002-A304). CAU 427 maintenance activities included placing additional red rocks over the subsurface site markers during the July inspection to assist in locating them for future inspections. CAU 487 repairs included installing eight above-grade monuments to mark the use restriction boundaries, installing use restriction warning signs, stamping coordinates on the brass survey markers, and subsidence repair at the A-8 anomaly. With the completion of these repairs and maintenance activities, all CAUs were in excellent condition at the end of 2004. The site inspections should continue as scheduled, and any potential problem areas, such as repaired areas of erosion or subsidence, should be monitored closely for further maintenance or repair needs.

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