Orientation for New State WAP Directors and Staff
Adams, Robert ; Barone, Tracy
National Association for State Community Services Programs, Washington, DC
关键词: Financing;    Weatherization;    Program Management;    Buildings;    Recommendations;   
DOI  :  10.2172/900761
RP-ID  :  FG02-99EE27587
RP-ID  :  900761
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
NASCSP has been providing The Orientation for New Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Directors and Staff yearly for the past four years. This report is a general description of the trainings and supporting documentation from the most recent event. The Orientation and Training provides attendees with a comprehensive overview of the WAP from the federal, state, and local perspectives. A variety of presenters make information available on a wide range of subjects deemed necessary to effectively operate the Program. During the first day of training, staff from the Department of Energy WAP office, NASCSP, the National Energy Assistance Director's Association, Economic Opportunity Studies, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory present materials and participate in open discussion with the attendees about the federal program requirements. Some of the day's subjects include: History of the WAP; Funding, Rules, Regulations, and Program Guidance Documents; WAP State Plan Application Process and Submission; Training and Technical Assistance Activity; Administration and Federal/State Monitoring Requirements; and National Significance of WAP and the Political Process. The second day focuses on implementation strategies for the Program. Presenters from state offices and local management provide their perspective on the following subjects: Utility Restructuring Integration Strategies; Program Expansion Issues; Integration of New Technologies and Funding Sources into the WAP; and Local Agency Integration of WAP.
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