Genetics of Bacteria That Oxidize On-Carbon Compounds
Hanson, Richard S.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN
关键词: Methylotrophs;    10 Synthetic Fuels;    Phosphotransferases;    Genetics;    Oxidoreductases;   
DOI  :  10.2172/900288
RP-ID  :  FG02-88ER13862
RP-ID  :  900288
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Facultative methanol oxidizing bacteria contain large amounts of methanol dehydrogenase which is expressed only in the presence of methanol. This technical report describes two-two component regulatory systems encoding histidine kinases and response regulators and another response regulator all of which are required for the expression of mxaF, the open reading frame encoding methanol dehydrogenase. The response regulators bind to sequences upstream of the mxaF when phosphoryled in a reaction catalyzed by the histidine kinases. The binding of the response regulators is required for the transcription of mxaF.

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