Integrated Hydrogeophysical and Hydrogeologic Driven Parameter Upscaling for Dual-Domain Transport Modeling
Flach, Gregory ; Harris, Mary ; Hubbard, Susan ; Knapp, Camelia ; Kowalsky, Mike ; Millings, Maggie ; Shafer, John ; Waddell, Mike
Savannah River National Laboratory
关键词: Forecasting;    Simulation;    54 Environmental Sciences;    Plumes;    Transport;   
DOI  :  10.2172/895887
RP-ID  :  ERSD-1027807-2006
RP-ID  :  None
RP-ID  :  895887
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Our research project is motivated by the observations that conventional characterization approaches capture only a fraction of heterogeneity affecting field-scale transport, and that conventional modeling approaches, which use this sparse data, typically do not successfully predict long term plume behavior with sufficient accuracy to guide remedial strategies. Our working hypotheses are that improved prediction of contaminant transport can be achieved using a dual-domain transport approach and field-scale characterization approaches.

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