Waste Handeling Building Conceptual Study
Rowe, G.W.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Radioactive Waste Facilities;    Life-Cycle Cost;    Radioactive Wastes;    Materials Handling;    Design;   
DOI  :  10.2172/893534
RP-ID  :  TDR-WHS-SE-000002 Rev00
RP-ID  :  NA
RP-ID  :  893534
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The objective of the ''Waste Handling Building Conceptual Study'' is to develop proposed design requirements for the repository Waste Handling System in sufficient detail to allow the surface facility design to proceed to the License Application effort if the proposed requirements are approved by DOE. Proposed requirements were developed to further refine waste handling facility performance characteristics and design constraints with an emphasis on supporting modular construction, minimizing fuel inventory, and optimizing facility maintainability and dry handling operations. To meet this objective, this study attempts to provide an alternative design to the Site Recommendation design that is flexible, simple, reliable, and can be constructed in phases. The design concept will be input to the ''Modular Design/Construction and Operation Options Report'', which will address the overall program objectives and direction, including options and issues associated with transportation, the subsurface facility, and Total System Life Cycle Cost. This study (herein) is limited to the Waste Handling System and associated fuel staging system.

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