Commercialization of a 2.5kW Utility Interactive Inverter for Distributed Generation
Torrey, David A.
Advanced Energy Conversion, LLC
关键词: Synthesis Distributed Generation;    Distributed Generation;    Quality Control;    14 Solar Energy;    Manufacturers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/882784
RP-ID  :  None
RP-ID  :  FG36-03GO13166
RP-ID  :  882784
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
Through this project, Advanced Energy Conversion (AEC) has developed, tested, refined and is preparing to commercialize a 2.5kW utility-interactive inverter system for distributed generation. The inverter technology embodies zero-voltage switching technology that will ultimately yield a system that is smaller, less expensive and more efficient than existing commercial technologies. This program has focused on commercial success through careful synthesis of technology, market-focus and business development. AEC was the primary participant. AEC is utilizing contract manufacturers in the early stages of production, allowing its technical staff to focus on quality control issues and product enhancements. The objective of this project was to bring the AEC inverter technology from its current pre-production state to a commercial product. Federal funds have been used to build and test production-intent inverters, support the implementation of the commercialization plan and bring the product to the point of UL certification.
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