Using high-order methods on adaptively refined block-structured meshes - discretizations, interpolations, and filters.
Ray, Jaideep ; Lefantzi, Sophia ; Najm, Habib N. ; Kennedy, Christopher A.
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Calculation Methods Differential Equations, Partial.;    99 General And Miscellaneous//Mathematics, Computing, And Information Science;    Differential Equations, Partial.;    Mesh Generation.;    Partial Differential Equations;   
DOI  :  10.2172/877727
RP-ID  :  SAND2005-7981
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  877727
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Block-structured adaptively refined meshes (SAMR) strive for efficient resolution of partial differential equations (PDEs) solved on large computational domains by clustering mesh points only where required by large gradients. Previous work has indicated that fourth-order convergence can be achieved on such meshes by using a suitable combination of high-order discretizations, interpolations, and filters and can deliver significant computational savings over conventional second-order methods at engineering error tolerances. In this paper, we explore the interactions between the errors introduced by discretizations, interpolations and filters. We develop general expressions for high-order discretizations, interpolations, and filters, in multiple dimensions, using a Fourier approach, facilitating the high-order SAMR implementation. We derive a formulation for the necessary interpolation order for given discretization and derivative orders. We also illustrate this order relationship empirically using one and two-dimensional model problems on refined meshes. We study the observed increase in accuracy with increasing interpolation order. We also examine the empirically observed order of convergence, as the effective resolution of the mesh is increased by successively adding levels of refinement, with different orders of discretization, interpolation, or filtering.

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