The Computer Code NOVO for the Calculation of Wake Potentials of the Very Short Ultra-relativistic Bunches
Novokhatski, Alexander
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
关键词: Electromagnetic Interactions;    43 Particle Accelerators;    Linear Colliders Accelerators,Accphy;    Accelerators,Accphy;    Free Electron Lasers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/877532
RP-ID  :  SLAC-PUB-11556
RP-ID  :  AC02-76SF00515
RP-ID  :  877532
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The problem of electromagnetic interaction of a beam and accelerator elements is very important for linear colliders, electron-positron factories, and free electron lasers. Precise calculation of wake fields is required for beam dynamics study in these machines. We describe a method which allows computation of wake fields of the very short bunches. Computer code NOVO was developed based on this method. This method is free of unphysical solutions like ''self-acceleration'' of a bunch head, which is common to well known wake field codes. Code NOVO was used for the wake fields study for many accelerator projects all over the world.

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