Mecharet, P.
United States. Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
关键词: Criticality;    Radioactive Waste Disposal;    Shielding;    Sensitivity Analysis;    Waste Forms;   
DOI  :  10.2172/861079
RP-ID  :  TDR-EBS-MD-000008 REV 01
RP-ID  :  AC08-01NV12101
RP-ID  :  861079
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this technical report is to present the current designs for waste packages and determine which designs will be evaluated for the Site Recommendation (SR) or Licence Application (LA), to demonstrate how the design will be shown to comply with the applicable design criteria. The evaluations to support SR or LA are based on system description document criteria. The objective is to determine those system description document criteria for which compliance is to be demonstrated for SR; and, having identified the criteria, to refer to the documents that show compliance. In addition, those system description document criteria for which compliance will be addressed for LA are identified, with a distinction made between two steps of the LA process: the LA-Construction Authorization (LA-CA) phase on one hand, and the LA-Receive and Possess (LA-R&P) phase on the other hand. The scope of this work encompasses the Waste Package Project disciplines for criticality, shielding, structural, and thermal analysis.

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