A Combined Tissue Kinetics and Dosimetric Model of Respiratory Tissue Exposed to Radiation
Ford, John R.
Texas A&M University Department of Nuclear Engineering
关键词: Cell Nuclei;    Radiotherapy;    59 Basic Biological Sciences;    Apoptosis;    Acute Exposure;   
DOI  :  10.2172/860179
RP-ID  :  DOE/ID/14329
RP-ID  :  FG07-02ID14329
RP-ID  :  860179
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
Existing dosimetric models of the radiation response of tissues are essentially static. Consideration of changes in the cell populations over time has not been addressed realistically. For a single acute dose this is not a concern, but for modeling chronic exposures or fractionated acute exposures, the natural turnover and progression of cells could have a significant impact on a variety of endpoints. This proposal addresses the shortcomings of current methods by combining current dose-based calculation techniques with information on the cell turnover for a model tissue. The proposed model will examine effects at the single-cell level for an exposure of a section of human bronchiole. The cell model will be combined with Monte Carlo calculations of doses to cells and cell nuclei due to varying dose-rates of different radiation qualities. Predictions from the model of effects on survival, apoptosis rates, and changes in the number of cycling and differentiating cells will be tested experimentally. The availability of dynamic dosimetric models of tissues at the single-cell level will be useful for analysis of low-level radiation exposures and in the development of new radiotherapy protocols.
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