Garrett, R.J.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: License Applications;    Safety Analysis;    Yucca Mountain;    12 Management Of Radioactive Wastes, And Non-Radioactive Wastes From Nuclear Facilities;    Performance;   
DOI  :  10.2172/841293
RP-ID  :  000-00C-MGR0-00600-000-00B
RP-ID  :  NA
RP-ID  :  841293
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this internal hazards analysis is to identify and document the internal hazards and potential initiating events associated with preclosure operations of the repository at Yucca Mountain. Internal hazards are those hazards presented by the operation of the facility and by its associated processes that can potentially lead to a radioactive release or cause a radiological hazard. In contrast to external hazards, internal hazards do not involve natural phenomena and external man-made hazards. This internal hazards analysis was performed in support of the preclosure safety analysis and the License Application for the Yucca Mountain Project. The methodology for this analysis provides a systematic means to identify internal hazards and potential initiating events that may result in a radiological hazard or radiological release during the repository preclosure period. These hazards are documented in tables of potential internal hazards and potential initiating events (Section 6.6) for input to the repository event sequence categorization process. The results of this analysis will undergo further screening and analysis based on the criteria that apply to the performance of event sequence analyses for the repository preclosure period. The evolving design of the repository will be re-evaluated periodically to ensure that internal hazards that have not been previously evaluated are identified.

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