Fundamentals of Melt-Water Interfacial Transport Phenomena: Improved Understanding for Innovative Safety Technologies in ALWRs
Anderson, M. ; Corradini, M. ; Bank, K.Y. ; Bonazza, R. ; Cho, D.
University of Wisconsin--Madison
关键词: Corium;    Water;    Interactions;    Reactor Safety;    Water Cooled Reactors;   
DOI  :  10.2172/839461
RP-ID  :  DOE/RL/14347
RP-ID  :  FG07-02RL14347
RP-ID  :  839461
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The interaction and mixing of high-temperature melt and water is the important technical issue in the safety assessment of water-cooled reactors to achieve ultimate core coolability. For specific advanced light water reactor (ALWR) designs, deliberate mixing of the core-melt and water is being considered as a mitigative measure, to assure ex-vessel core coolability. The goal of this work is to provide the fundamental understanding needed for melt-water interfacial transport phenomena, thus enabling the development of innovative safety technologies for advanced LWRs that will assure ex-vessel core coolability. The work considers the ex-vessel coolability phenomena in two stages. The first stage is the melt quenching process and is being addressed by Argonne National Lab and University of Wisconsin in modified test facilities. Given a quenched melt in the form of solidified debris, the second stage is to characterize the long-term debris cooling process and is being addressed by Korean Maritime University in via test and analyses. We then address the appropriate scaling and design methodologies for reactor applications.

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