Development & Utilization of Bright Tabletop Sources of Coherent Soft X-Ray Radiation
Rocca, Jorge J.
Colorado State University
关键词: Photons;    Brightness;    Laser Radiation;    43 Particle Accelerators;    Ablation;   
DOI  :  10.2172/839333
RP-ID  :  FG03-00ER15084
RP-ID  :  839333
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This project investigated aspects of the development and utilization of compact XUV sources based on fast capillary discharges and high order harmonic up conversion. These sources are very compact, yet can generate soft x-ray radiation with peak spectral brightness several orders of magnitude larger than a synchrotron beam lines. The work has included the characterization of some of the important parameters that enable the use of these sources in unique applications, such as the degree of spatial coherence and the wavefront characteristics that affect their focusing capabilities. In relation to source development, they have recently completed preliminary work towards exploring the generation of high harmonics in a pre-ionized medium created by a capillary discharge. Since ions are more difficult to ionize than neutral atoms, the use of pre-ionized nonlinear media may lead to the generation of coherent light at > 1 KeV photon energy. Recent application results include the first study of the damage threshold and damage mechanism of XUV mirrors exposed to intense focalized 46.9 nm laser radiation, and the study of the ablation of polymers with soft x-ray laser light.
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