Annual Scientific Report 2004-2005 Proton Radiography: Cross Section Measurements and Detector Development
Longo, Michael J.
Department of Physics: University of Michigan:Ann Arbor, MI
关键词: Targets Proton Radiography: Cross Section Measurements: Detector Development:;    46 Instrumentation Related To Nuclear Science And Technology;    Photons;    Calorimeters;    Proton Beams;   
DOI  :  10.2172/839274
RP-ID  :  DOE/NA/00077-2
RP-ID  :  FG03-03NA00077
RP-ID  :  839274
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
Our research grant provides support for a program to measure forward production of neutrons and photons produced by high-energy proton beams striking a variety of targets. This will provide data essential to proton radiography. This work is carried out in conjunction with the Fermilab E-907 (MIPP) collaboration including physicists from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Our group is responsible for the E907 forward neutron/photon calorimeters. We are taking a leading role in obtaining and analyzing the forward production data and in helping to develop an optimal detector for proton radiography. With the support of our Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Grant DE-FG03-03NA00077, we were able to design, build, and commission the calorimeters on budget and ahead of schedule. E-907 officially started physics running at Fermilab in January 2005. We expect to continue data taking through October 2005. The analysis of the data, which we expect will be challenging because data from many different detector systems must be understood and merged, will take several years. Our group is in a unique position to complete the measurements, analyze the data, and help set up a database to be used by LLNL and LANL to make this information accessible for proton radiography. This work will be done in conjunction with the Livermore Laboratory High Energy Physics and Computational Nuclear Physics Groups. The project is meeting or exceeding its technical milestones, while remaining within its budget.
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