Lithophysal Rock Mass Mechanical Properties of the Repository Host Horizon
Rigby, D.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Radioactive Waste Facilities;    Computerized Simulation;    Yucca Mountain;    Safety Analysis;    Porosity;   
DOI  :  10.2172/837709
RP-ID  :  800-K0C-SS00-00200-000-00A
RP-ID  :  837709
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this calculation is to develop estimates of key mechanical properties for the lithophysal rock masses of the Topopah Spring Tuff (Tpt) within the repository host horizon, including their uncertainties and spatial variability. The mechanical properties to be characterized include an elastic parameter, Young's modulus, and a strength parameter, uniaxial compressive strength. Since lithophysal porosity is used as a surrogate property to develop the distributions of the mechanical properties, an estimate of the distribution of lithophysal porosity is also developed. The resulting characterizations of rock parameters are important for supporting the subsurface design, developing the preclosure safety analysis, and assessing the postclosure performance of the repository (e.g., drift degradation and modeling of rockfall impacts on engineered barrier system components).

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