Evaluation of Codisposal Viability for Melt and Dilute DOE-Owned Fuel
Radulescu, H.
United States. Department of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.
关键词: Aluminium;    Alloys;    Nuclear Fuels;    Spent Fuels;    Uranium;   
DOI  :  10.2172/837040
RP-ID  :  TDR-EDC-NU-000006, REV 00
RP-ID  :  837040
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

There are more than 250 forms of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-owned spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Due to the variety of the spent nuclear fuel, the National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program has designated nine representative fuel groups for disposal criticality analyses based on fuel matrix, primary fissile isotope, and enrichment (DOE 2000b, Section 6.6.8). The Melt and Dilute (MD) SNF has been designated as the representative fuel for the high-enriched U-Al fuel group. The MD SNF consists of homogeneous cylindrical ingots with 16.5 in. (419.1 mm) maximum diameter. Two general ingot compositions are considered in the criticality and geochemistry analyses. The first composition consists of 8.2 to 18.2 wt% uranium, enriched at less than 20 wt% U-235 and 0.5 wt% gadolinium, with the balance of the ingot being aluminum. The second composition is identical to the first for uranium and gadolinium, but in this case 2.5 wt% of the ingot is hafnium, with the balance of the ingot being aluminum. The results of the analyses performed will be used to develop waste acceptance criteria. The items that are important to criticality control are identified based on the analysis needs and result sensitivities. Prior to acceptance of fuel from the high-enriched U-Al fuel group for disposal, the important items for the fuel types that are being considered for disposal under the high-enriched U-Al fuel group must be demonstrated to satisfy the conditions determined in this report. The analyses have been performed by following the disposal criticality analysis methodology, which was documented in the ''Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report'' (YMP 2000) submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The methodology includes analyzing the geochemical and physical processes that can breach the waste package and degrade the waste forms and other internal components, as well as the structural, thermal, and shielding analyses, and intact and degraded component criticality analyses. One or more addenda (validation reports) to the topical report will be required to establish the critical limit for DOE SNF form once sufficient critical benchmarks are identified and verified. The waste package design for MD ingots holds one 18-in.-outer diameter DOE standardized SNF canister containing the MD ingots, and five defense high-level radioactive waste (DHLW) glass canisters. The 5-DHLW/DOE SNF-short waste package is based on the Site Recommendation design of waste packages (Appendix A). The waste package design consists of two concentric cylindrical shells in which the waste forms will be placed. The outer shell is made of a corrosion resistant nickel-based alloy (Alloy 22). The inner shell is composed of stainless steel 316 NG (nuclear grade). The waste package design incorporates three lids at the one end of the waste package (one for the inner shell and two for the outer shell) and two lids at the other end of the waste package (one for each shell). The DOE SNF canister containing three to six MD ingots is placed in a carbon steel support tube that becomes the center of the waste package. The DOE SNF canister is surrounded by five 3-meter-long Savannah River Site DHLW glass canisters. The five DHLW glass canisters are evenly spaced around the DOE SNF canister. This report presents the results of analyzing the 5-DHLWDOE SNF-short waste package against various design criteria. Section 2.2 provides the criteria, and Section 2.3 provides the key assumptions for the various analyses.

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