The Impact of De-Inventory and Deactivation on the Characterization of F-Canyon Solid Low Level Waste
Savannah River Site (S.C.)
关键词: Process Changes;    Uranium;    Characterization;    Stabilization;    Wastes F-Canyon;   
DOI  :  10.2172/829907
RP-ID  :  WSRC-TR-2004-00168
RP-ID  :  AC09-96SR18500
RP-ID  :  829907
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The F-Canyon Facility was constructed in the early 1950's for the separation and recovery of 239Pu, 237Np and 238U from irradiated natural or depleted uranium targets and fuel rods using the PUREX (Plutonium - Uranium Extraction) process. In the PUREX process, the irradiated target or fuel slugs are received from the reactor areas of the Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuels, charged to the dissolvers and dissolved in nitric acid. The resulting solution contains primarily uranium-238 and smaller amounts of plutonium, uranium-235, and fission products. The primary operations conducted in F-Canyon include the separation and recovery of Pu-239 and U-238 from irradiated materials in the stabilization of plutonium residues. Since 1995, the F-Canyon Complex has been operating to stabilize ''at risk'' nuclear materials and spent fuel from throughout the DOE complex. That mission is complete. Since the last low level waste characterization, the F-Canyon has been implementing the PUREX Operations Suspension Plan and the Deactivation Project Plan.

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