Gasification Evaluation of Gas Turbine Combustion
United States. Department of Energy. Golden Field Office.
关键词: Natural Gas;    Methane;    Combustion;    Testing;    Engines;   
DOI  :  10.2172/828242
RP-ID  :  DE-FG36-98CH10942
RP-ID  :  FG36-98CH10942
RP-ID  :  828242
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This report provides a preliminary assessment of the potential for use in gas turbines and reciprocating gas engines of gases derived from biomass by pyrolysis or partial oxidation with air. Consideration was given to the use of mixtures of these gases with natural gas as a means of improving heating value and ensuring a steady gas supply. Gas from biomass, and mixtures with natural gas, were compared with natural gas reformates from low temperature partial oxidation or steam reforming. The properties of such reformates were based on computations of gas properties using the ChemCAD computational tools and energy inputs derived from known engine parameters. In general, the biomass derived fuels compare well with reformates, so far as can be judged without engine testing. Mild reforming has potential to produce a more uniform quality of fuel gas from very variable qualities of natural gas, and could possibly be applied to gas from biomass to eliminate organic gases and condensibles other than methane.
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