Development of comprehensive models for opacities and radiation transport for IFE systems.
Tolkach, V. ; Morozov, V. ; Hassanein, A.
Argonne National Laboratory
关键词: Clouds;    Ionization Potential;    70 Plasma Physics And Fusion Technology;    Radiations;    Atoms;   
DOI  :  10.2172/820525
RP-ID  :  ANL-ET/02-23
RP-ID  :  W-31-109-ENG-38
RP-ID  :  820525
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

An ignition in an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) reactor results in X-ray spectra and ion fluxes moving toward the chamber wall with different velocities. During flight, parts of the energy will be deposited either in the residual and/or protective chamber gas or in the initial vapor cloud developed near the wall surface from vaporization. The deposited energy will be re-radiated to the chamber wall long after the ignition process. The exact amount of energy deposited/radiated and time of deposition are key issues in evaluating the chamber response and the economical feasibility of an ICF reactor. The radiation processes in the protective gas layer or in the vapor cloud developed above the first wall play an important role in the overall dynamics of the ICF chamber. A self-consistent field method has been developed to calculate ionization potentials, atom and ion energy levels, transition probabilities, and other atomic properties used to calculate thermodynamic and optical characteristics of the plasma by means of collisional-radiation equilibrium (CRE). The methodology of solving radiation transport equations in spherical geometry and the dependence of results on the chosen theoretical model are demonstrated using the method of inward/outward directions.

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