Costs of Producing Biomass from Riparian Buffer Strips
Turhollow, A.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
关键词: Biomass;    Sediments;    Economics;    Fowl;    Nutrients;   
DOI  :  10.2172/814247
RP-ID  :  ORNL/TM-1999/146
RP-ID  :  AC05-00OR22725
RP-ID  :  814247
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Nutrient runoff from poultry litter applied to agricultural fields in the Delmarva Peninsula contributes to high nutrient loadings in Chesapeake Bay. One potential means of ameliorating this problem is the use of riparian buffer strips. Riparian buffer strips intercept overland flows of water, sediments, nutrients, and pollutants; and ground water flows of nutrients and pollutants. Costs are estimated for three biomass systems grown on buffer strips: willow planted at a density of 15,300 trees/ha (6200 trees/acre); poplar planted at a density of 1345 trees/ha (545 trees/acre); and switchgrass. These costs are estimated for five different scenarios: (1) total economic costs, where everything is costed [cash costs, noncash costs (e.g., depreciation), land rent, labor]; (2) costs with Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) payments (which pays 50% of establishment costs and an annual land rent); (3) costs with enhanced CRP payments (which pays 95% of establishment costs and an annual payment of approximately 170% of land rent for trees and 150% of land rent for grasses); (4) costs when buffer strips are required, but harvest of biomass is not required [costs borne by biomass are for yield enhancing activities (e.g., fertilization), harvest, and transport]; and (5) costs when buffer strips are required. and harvest of biomass is required to remove nutrients (costs borne by biomass are for yield enhancing activities and transport). CRP regulations would have to change to allow harvest. Delivered costs of willow, poplar, and switchgrass [including transportation costs of $0.38/GJ ($0.40/million Btu) for switchgrass and $0.57/GJ ($0.60/million Btu) for willow and poplar] at 11.2 dry Mg/ha-year (5 dry tons/acre-year) for the five cost scenarios listed above are [$/GJ ($million BIN)]: (1) 3.30-5.45 (3.45-5.75); (2) 2.30-3.80 (2.45-4.00); (3) 1.70-2.45 (1.80-2.60); (4) l-85-3.80 (1.95-4.05); and (5) 0.80-1.50 (0.85-1.60). At yields of 15.7 to 17.9 GJ/ha-year (7 to 8 dry tons/acre-year), lower willow and poplar establishment costs, transportation costs of $0.30 to $0.45/GJ ($0.30-$0.50/million Btu), and lower willow and poplar harvest costs, total economic costs for willow (19-year stand life), poplar, and switchgrass are $2.35 to $2.6O/GJ ($2.50 to $2.75/million Btu). The potential production of biomass from riparian buffer strips in the Delmarva Peninsula ranges from 190,000 to 380,000 Mg (2 10,000 to 420,000 dry tons) per year.

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