Bayless, Dr. David J. ; Vis, Dr. Morgan ; Kremer, Dr. Gregory ; Prudich, Dr. Michael ; Cooksey, Dr. Keith ; Muhs, Dr. Jeff
Ohio University (United States)
关键词: Ornl;    Biomass;    Yellowstone National Park;    Testing;    Optical Fibers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/811433
RP-ID  :  FC26-00NT40932
RP-ID  :  811433
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This is the first quarterly report of the project Enhanced Practical Photosynthetic CO{sub 2} Mitigation. The official project start date, 10/02/2000, was delayed until 10/31/2000 due to an intellectual property dispute that was resolved. However, the delay forced a subsequent delay in subcontracting with Montana State University, which then delayed obtaining a sampling permit from Yellowstone National Park. However, even with these delays, the project moved forward with some success. Accomplishments for this quarter include: Culturing of thermophilic organisms from Yellowstone; Testing of mesophilic organisms in extreme CO{sub 2} conditions; Construction of a second test bed for additional testing; Purchase of a total carbon analyzer dedicated to the project; Construction of a lighting container for Oak Ridge National Laboratory optical fiber testing; Modified lighting of existing test box to provide more uniform distribution; Testing of growth surface adhesion and properties; Experimentation on water-jet harvesting techniques; and Literature review underway regarding uses of biomass after harvesting. Plans for next quarter's work and an update on the project's web page are included in the conclusions.

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