Modeling and Simulation of Microelectrode-Retina Interactions
Beckerman, M
Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant
关键词: Prostheses;    Computerized Simulation;    Implants;    Mathematical Models;    Microelectronic Circuits;   
DOI  :  10.2172/810944
RP-ID  :  Y/TC-3210
RP-ID  :  AC05-00OR-22800
RP-ID  :  810944
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
The goal of the retinal prosthesis project is the development of an implantable microelectrode array that can be used to supply visually-driven electrical input to cells in the retina, bypassing nonfunctional rod and cone cells, thereby restoring vision to blind individuals. This goal will be achieved through the study of the fundamentals of electrical engineering, vision research, and biomedical engineering with the aim of acquiring the knowledge needed to engineer a high-density microelectrode-tissue hybrid sensor that will restore vision to millions of blind persons. The modeling and simulation task within this project is intended to address the question how best to stimulate, and communicate with, cells in the retina using implanted microelectrodes.
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