Trapped Electron Precession Shear Induced Fluctuation Decorrelation
Hahm, T.S. ; Diamond, P.H. ; Kim, E.-J.
Princeton University. Plasma Physics Laboratory.
关键词: Heating;    Tokamaks;    Feedback;    70 Plasma Physics And Fusion Technology;    Stability, Microinstability;   
DOI  :  10.2172/808377
RP-ID  :  PPPL-3730
RP-ID  :  AC02-76CH03073
RP-ID  :  808377
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

We consider the effects of trapped electron precession shear on the microturbulence. In a similar way the strong E x B shear reduces the radial correlation length of ambient fluctuations, the radial variation of the trapped electron precession frequency can reduce the radial correlation length of fluctuations associated with trapped electrons. In reversed shear plasmas, with the explicit dependence of the trapped electron precession shearing rate on B(subscript)theta, the sharp radial gradient of T(subscript)e due to local electron heating inside qmin can make the precession shearing mechanism more effective, and reduce the electron thermal transport constructing a positive feedback loop for the T(subscript)e barrier formation.

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