Effects of Experimental Manipulations of Course Woody Debris on Sorcids and Other Fauna
McCay, T.S. ; Komoroski, M.J. ; Ford, W.M. ; Laerm, J. ; Reitz, E.J.
Savannah River Forest Station
关键词: Population Dynamics;    Foraging;    Resource Management Logs;    Logs;    Pines;   
DOI  :  10.2172/807782
RP-ID  :  AI09-00SR22188
RP-ID  :  807782
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The authors studied the relationship between the level of course woody debris in experimental plots of mature loblolly pine and the richness and abundance of shrews, reptiles and amphibians. Comparisons were made between plots in which all down and standing debris were removed and plots that were not treated. Removal of woody debris resulted in a week treatment effect. The capture of southeastern shrews declined through the period perhaps due to drought. The least common shrew demonstrated the strongest effects from removal.In sampling 37 species of amphibians were observed. The Carolina anole and the red salamander were captured more frequently on removal plots. No difference were found between removal and controls with regard to reptiles.

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