The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on the Behavior of the Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus):Phase II
Barrett, G.W. ; Drelin, E.A. ; Mabry, K.E.
Savannah River Forest Station
关键词: Corridors;    Population Dynamics;    Rats;    Confinement Corridors;    Habitat;   
DOI  :  10.2172/807771
RP-ID  :  AI09-00SR22188
RP-ID  :  807771
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
The authors studied the movements of cotton rats and cotton mice in experimental landscapes at the SRS in order to determine the effects of fragmentation and connectivity between habitat patches on dispersal movements and population dynamics. Densities between connected and isolated patches were not different. Small patches tended to support higher densities. Cotton rats were more common in corridors than expected and cotton mice were more likely to leave by a corridor.
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