Effects of Gamma Radiation on Individual and Mixed Ion Exchange Resins
Baumann, E.W.
Savannah River Site (S.C.)
关键词: Ion Exchange Materials;    Swelling;    36 Materials Science;    Radiation Effects;    Moderators;   
DOI  :  10.2172/806834
RP-ID  :  DPST-64-564
RP-ID  :  AT(07-2)-1
RP-ID  :  806834
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The ion exchange resins that are used to deionize moderator in the reactor purification systems may accumulate sufficient radiation dose to damage the resins. This radiation damage would be manifested by: (1) loss of useful exchange capacity of the bed, which is costly since resins from the reactor deionizers are not reused; (2) shrinking or swelling of the resins, which may have some effect on the hydraulic behavior of the beds; (3) release of resin degradation products into the process stream, which pollutes moderator with impurities and precursors of the neutron-induced radioisotopes. This document details results of a laboratory study to determine the magnitude of these three effects by gamma irradiation of individual resins and their mixtures.

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