Synchro-betatron resonances in the 8 GeV proton driver
Ohnuma, Shoroku
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
关键词: 43 Particle Accelerators;    Fermilab Accelerator;    Protons;    Cavities;   
DOI  :  10.2172/805246
RP-ID  :  AC02-76CH03000
RP-ID  :  805246
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The major difference of these two versions is the size (circumference) and the maximum energy. In the first study, the circumference is chosen to be 711.3m, which is 1.5 times the present Booster, with the maximum energy of 16 GeV. In the second version, it is mandated to be the same as Booster together with the same maximum energy of 8 GeV. One of the major impacts of the reduced size of the ring is the inevitable reduction in the total length of available space for injection/collimation/extraction systems and for rf cavities, 14 slots of 7.43m each in the smaller ring compared with 24 slots of 6.15m each in the larger ring. Since each cavity occupies a slot of 2.35m and 22 cavities are desirable, seven or eight slots out of 14 in the smaller ring must be reserved for rf, only six or seven remaining for all other systems. The constraint in space is particularly troublesome for the extraction system since the beam loss at extraction (at the highest beam energy) is the major concern of any high intensity proton machines.

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