Rabovitser, Joseph ; Bryan, Bruce ; Nester, Serguei ; Wohadlo, Stan
National Energy Technology Laboratory (U.S.)
关键词: Methane;    Boilers;    Testing;    Burners;    01 Coal, Lignite, And Peat;   
DOI  :  10.2172/803712
RP-ID  :  FC26-00NT40752--10
RP-ID  :  FC26-00NT40752
RP-ID  :  803712
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
The project seeks to develop and validate a new pulverized coal combustion system to reduce utility PC boiler NO{sub x} emissions to 0.15 lb/million Btu or less without post-combustion flue gas cleaning. Work during previous reporting periods completed the design, installation, shakedown and initial PRB coal testing of a 3-million Btu/h pilot system at BBP's Pilot-Scale Combustion Facility (PSCF) in Worcester, MA. Based on these results, modifications to the gas-fired preheat combustor and PC burner were defined, along with a modified testing plan and schedule. During the current reporting period, a revised subcontract was executed with BBP to reflect changes in the pilot testing program. Modeling activities were continued to develop and verify revised design approaches for both the Preheat gas combustor and PC burner. Reactivation of the pilot test system was begun with BBP personnel. A presentation on the project results to date was given at the NETL-sponsored 2002 Conference on SCR and SNCR for NO{sub x} Control on May 15-16, 2002 in Pittsburgh PA. The overall project objective is the development and validation of an innovative combustion system, based on a novel coal preheating concept prior to combustion, that can reduce NO{sub x} emissions to 0.15 lb/million Btu or less on utility pulverized coal (PC) boilers. This NO{sub x} reduction should be achieved without loss of boiler efficiency or operating stability, and at more than 25% lower levelized cost than state-of-the-art SCR technology. A further objective is to make this technology ready for full-scale commercial deployment in order to meet an anticipated market demand for NO{sub x} reduction technologies resulting from the EPA's NO{sub x} SIP call.
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