GammaModeler TM 3-D gamma-ray imaging technology
Federal Energy Technology Center (U.S.)
关键词: Radiation Monitors;    46 Instrumentation Related To Nuclear Science And Technology;    Gamma Detection;    Nuclear Facilities;    Ionizing Radiations;   
DOI  :  10.2172/774501
RP-ID  :  DE--AC26-99FT40555-02
RP-ID  :  AC26-99FT40555
RP-ID  :  774501
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The 3-D GammaModeler{trademark} system was used to survey a portion of the facility and provide 3-D visual and radiation representation of contaminated equipment located within the facility. The 3-D GammaModeler{trademark} system software was used to deconvolve extended sources into a series of point sources, locate the positions of these sources in space and calculate the 30 cm. dose rates for each of these sources. Localization of the sources in three dimensions provides information on source locations interior to the visual objects and provides a better estimate of the source intensities. The three dimensional representation of the objects can be made transparent in order to visualize sources located within the objects. Positional knowledge of all the sources can be used to calculate a map of the radiation in the canyon. The use of 3-D visual and gamma ray information supports improved planning decision-making, and aids in communications with regulators and stakeholders.

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