Studies of nuclear processes at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. Final report
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (United States)
关键词: Protons;    Florida;    Light Nuclei;    Isospin;    Physics;   
DOI  :  10.2172/764161
RP-ID  :  FG02-88ER40442
RP-ID  :  764161
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The authors concluded their program to establish the trends of isospin mixing in nuclei ranging from {sup 12}C to {sup 40}Ca. This program revealed a systematic variation in the proton reduced widths from one A = 4N nucleus to the next as T = 0 nuclei were bombarded by protons and T = 3/2 states were populated in the compound system. In few-body physics, their program of studies of D-state properties of light nuclei ({sup 3}H, {sup 3}He, and {sup 4}He) resulted in precise determinations of the {eta} parameters for {sup 3}He and {sup 3}H which agreed well with theoretical predictions and served as an important constraint on theoretical calculations. The D{sub 2} parameter determination for {sup 4}He, carried out in collaboration with researchers at Munich and Lisbon, was not as precise but did indicate that {sup 4}He has significant deformation. A program was initiated during this period to measure the ratio of asymptotic D- to S-state normalization constant ({eta}) for {sup 6}Li at Florida State University using the ({sup 6}Li,d) reaction. They determined that the {eta} parameter for {sup 6}Li is extremely small, contrary to expectations.

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