Detection and Assessment Using Positron Emission Tomography of Genetically Determined Defects in Myocardial Fatty Acid Utilization. Final report, 8/1/93-6/30/97
Bergmann, Steven R.
Washington University, St. Louis, MS (United States)
关键词: Positron Emission Tomography;    Heart Failure;    59 Basic Biological Sciences;    Abnormalities;    Patients;   
DOI  :  10.2172/760727
RP-ID  :  FG02-93ER61659
RP-ID  :  760727
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

An approach using positron emission tomography (PET) was developed, validated and used to measure myocardial fatty acid metabolism in patients with inherited forms of heart failure. Abnormalities were correlated with the severity of the clinical illness. The approach developed was also shown to identify abnormalities in myocardial fatty acid metabolism in some patients with acquired forms of heart failure. The PET technique thus permits identification of abnormal fatty acid metabolism and provides an approach to evaluate the efficacy of interventional strategies.

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