Clean Air Act: EPA Should Improve the Management of Its Air Toxics Program
United States. Government Accountability Office.
United States. Government Accountability Office.
关键词: Government accountability -- United States.;    natural resources and environment;    clean air act;    letter report;   
RP-ID  :  GAO-06-669
RP-ID  :  250615
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) most recent data indicate that 95 percent of all Americans face an increased likelihood of developing cancer as a result of breathing air toxics--pollutants such as benzene and asbestos that may cause cancer or other serious health problems. Sources of air toxics include large industrial facilities, smaller facilities such as dry cleaners, and cars and trucks. The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments required EPA to regulate 190 pollutants from these sources through a multifaceted regulatory program. While EPA issues federal standards, state and local agencies generally administer these standards, and some develop their own rules to complement the federal standards. In this context, GAO was asked to assess (1) EPA's progress and challenges in implementing the air toxics program, (2) available information on the program's costs and benefits, and (3) practices of state and local air toxics programs."

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