Innovative Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Solution for Baseload Power Phase 1 Final Report
Qiu, Songgang
Infinia Corporation
关键词: Thermal Energy Storage;    Sodium;    Pool Boiler;    Phase Change;    Stirling;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1087080
RP-ID  :  DOE/EE0003585
RP-ID  :  EE0003585
RP-ID  :  1087080
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The primary purpose of this project is to develop and validate an innovative, scalable phase change salt thermal energy storage (TES) system that can interface with Infinia’s family of free-piston Stirling engines (FPSE). This TES technology is also appropriate for Rankine and Brayton power converters. Solar TES systems based on latent heat of fusion rather than molten salt temperature differences, have many advantages that include up to an order of magnitude higher energy storage density, much higher temperature operation, and elimination of pumped loops for most of Infinia’s design options. DOE has funded four different concepts for solar phase change TES, including one other Infinia awarded project using heat pipes to transfer heat to and from the salt. The unique innovation in this project is an integrated TES/pool boiler heat transfer system that is the simplest approach identified to date and arguably has the best potential for minimizing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The Phase 1 objectives are to design, build and test a 1-hour TES proof-of-concept lab demonstrator integrated with an Infinia 3 kW Stirling engine, and to conduct a preliminary design of a 12-hour TES on-sun prototype.

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