Balancing Authority Cooperation Concepts - Intra-Hour Scheduling
Hunsaker, Matthew ; Samaan, Nader ; Milligan, Michael ; Guo, Tao ; Liu, Guangjuan ; Toolson, Jacob
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
关键词: 24 Power Transmission And Distribution;    29 Energy Planning, Policy, And Economy;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1073496
RP-ID  :  EE0001376-01
RP-ID  :  EE0001376
RP-ID  :  1073496
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The overall objective of this study was to understand, on an Interconnection-wide basis, the effects intra-hour scheduling compared to hourly scheduling. Moreover, the study sought to understand how the benefits of intra-hour scheduling would change by altering the input assumptions in different scenarios. This report describes results of three separate scenarios with differing key assumptions and comparing the production costs between hourly scheduling and 10-minute scheduling performance. The different scenarios were chosen to provide insight into how the estimated benefits might change by altering input assumptions. Several key assumptions were different in the three scenarios, however most assumptions were similar and/or unchanged among the scenarios.

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