Cold Climate Building Enclosure Solutions
Kosny, J. ; Fallahi, A. ; Shukla, N.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.)
关键词: Buildings;    Aerogel;    Eifs;    Vacuum Insulation Panel;    Electricity, Resources, And Buildings Systems;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1068619
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO-102013-3718
RP-ID  :  AC36-08GO28308
RP-ID  :  1068619
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

This project investigates the energy performance and cost effectiveness of several state-of-the-art retrofit strategies that could be used in triple-deckers and colonial houses, common house types in New England. Several emerging building enclosure technologies were integrated, including high R-value aerogel and vacuum insulations, in forms that would be energy efficient, flexible for different retrofit scenarios, durable, and potentially cost-competitive for deep energy retrofits.

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