An Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics Program
Shipsey, Ian
Purdue University
关键词: 72 Physics Of Elementary Particles And Fields;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1050223
RP-ID  :  DE-FG02-91ER40681
RP-ID  :  FG02-91ER40681
RP-ID  :  1050223
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The Purdue High Energy Physics Group conducts research in experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics and experimental high energy astrophysics. Our goals, which we share with high energy physics colleagues around the world, are to understand at the most fundamental level the nature of matter, energy, space and time, and in order to explain the birth, evolution and fate of the Universe. The experiments in which we are currently involved are: CDF, CLEO-c, CMS, LSST, and VERITAS. We have been instrumental in establishing two major in-house facilities: The Purdue Particle Physics Microstructure Detector Facility (P3MD) in 1995 and the CMS Tier-2 center in 2005. The research efforts of the theory group span phenomenological and theoretical aspects of the Standard Model as well as many of its possible extensions. Recent work includes phenomenological consequences of supersymmetric models, string theory and applications of gauge/gravity duality, the cosmological implications of massive gravitons, and the physics of extra dimensions.

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