On the Fielding of a High Gain, Shock-Ignited Target on the National Ignitiion Facility in the Near Term
Perkins, L J ; Betti, R ; Schurtz, G P ; Craxton, R S ; Dunne, A M ; LaFortune, K N ; Schmitt, A J ; McKenty, P W ; Bailey, D S ; Lambert, M A ; Ribeyre, X ; Theobald, W R ; Strozzi, D J ; Harding, D R ; Casner, A ; Atzemi, S ; Erbert, G V ; Andersen, K S ; Murakami, M ; Comley, A J ; Cook, R C ; Stephens, R B
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
关键词: Thermonuclear Reactors;    Thermonuclear Fuels;    Symmetry;    Fusion Yield;    Lasers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1013209
RP-ID  :  LLNL-TR-428513
RP-ID  :  W-7405-ENG-48
RP-ID  :  1013209
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Shock ignition, a new concept for igniting thermonuclear fuel, offers the possibility for a near-term ({approx}3-4 years) test of high gain inertial confinement fusion on the National Ignition Facility at less than 1MJ drive energy and without the need for new laser hardware. In shock ignition, compressed fusion fuel is separately ignited by a strong spherically converging shock and, because capsule implosion velocities are significantly lower than those required for conventional hotpot ignition, fusion energy gains of {approx}60 may be achievable on NIF at laser drive energies around {approx}0.5MJ. Because of the simple all-DT target design, its in-flight robustness, the potential need for only 1D SSD beam smoothing, minimal early time LPI preheat, and use of present (indirect drive) laser hardware, this target may be easier to field on NIF than a conventional (polar) direct drive hotspot ignition target. Like fast ignition, shock ignition has the potential for high fusion yields at low drive energy, but requires only a single laser with less demanding timing and spatial focusing requirements. Of course, conventional symmetry and stability constraints still apply. In this paper we present initial target performance simulations, delineate the critical issues and describe the immediate-term R&D program that must be performed in order to test the potential of a high gain shock ignition target on NIF in the near term.

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