Preliminary characterization of active MEMS valves.
Barnard, Casey Anderson
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Pressure Regulators;    Flow Rate;    Pressure Measurement;    Actuators;    Fluid Flow;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1008114
RP-ID  :  SAND2010-6880
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  1008114
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Partial characterization of a series of electrostatically actuated active microfluidic valves is to be performed. Tests are performed on a series of 24 valves from two different MEMS sets. Focus is on the physical deformation of the structures under variable pressure loadings, as well as voltage levels. Other issues that inhibit proper performance of the valves are observed, addressed and documented as well. Many microfluidic applications have need for the distribution of gases at finely specified pressures and times. To this end a series of electrostatically actuated active valves have been fabricated. Eight separate silicon die are discussed, each with a series of four active valves present. The devices are designed such that the valve boss is held at a ground, with a voltage applied to lower contacts. Resulting electrostatic forces pull the boss down against a series of stops, intended to create a seal as well as prevent accidental shorting of the device. They have been uniquely packaged atop a stack of material layers, which have inlaid channels for application of fluid flow to the backside of the valve. Electrical contact is supplied from the underlying printed circuit board, attached to external supplies and along traces on the silicon. Pressure is supplied from a reservoir of house compressed air, up to 100 Psig. This is routed through a Norgren R07-200-RGKA pressure regulator, rated to 150 Psig. From there flow passes a manually operated ball valve, and to a flow meter. Two flow meters were utilized; initially an Omega FMA1802 rated at 10 sccm, and followed by a Flocat model for higher flow rates up to 100 sccm. An Omega DPG4000-500 pressure gauge produced pressure measurements. Optical measurements were returned via a WYKO Interferometry probe station. This would allow for determination of physical deformations of the device under a variety of voltage and pressure loads. This knowledge could lead to insight as to the failure mechanisms of the device, yielding improvements for subsequent fabrications.

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