Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program: Executive Summaries of 2003 Research Grants
Eileen Stommes andLaura Tiehen
United States Department of Agriculture
关键词: Food assistance;    nutrition;    vulnerable populations;    food security;    food insecurity;    Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program;    food spending;    well-being;    food stamps;    National School Lunch Program;   
RP-ID  :  FANRR-43
来源: United States Department of Agriculture Publications
【 摘 要 】

This report summarizes research findings for the Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program. This report includes summaries of the research projects that were awarded 1-year grants in summer and fall 2002. The projects focus on food assistance and child well-being, food insecurity and hunger, the dynamics of food assistance program participation, obesity, and the role of community factors in dietary intake and food security. Some projects focus on specific populations, such as people living in the rural South and on American Indian reservations.

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