Indonesia's Modern Food Retail Sector: Interaction With Changing Food Consumption and Trade Patterns
John Dyck , Andrea Woolverton , and Fahwani Yuliati Rangkuti
United States Department of Agriculture
关键词: Indonesia;    Indonesian retail food sector;    Indonesian food demand;    supply chain;    trade barriers;    supermarkets;   
RP-ID  :  EIB-97
来源: United States Department of Agriculture Publications
【 摘 要 】
Indonesia's food market has changed in response to a changing and growing economy. The report examines changes in the food consumption pattern and measures the growth of modern food retail chains, packaged food purchases, and food imports in the world's fourth-most-populous country. The evidence suggests that Indonesians are moving toward modern global purchasing and consumption patterns, but more slowly than in some comparable countries. Barriers to foreign and domestic commerce, affecting the development of modern food retail supply chains, are important constraints on food market change in Indonesia. Further change in Indonesia's retail food sector will help determine future growth in imports, including from the United States.
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