Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook: October 2009
Stephen Haley andErik Dohlman
United States Department of Agriculture
关键词: Sugar;    imports;    exports;    disappearance;    domestic consumption;    yield;    supply;    beet sugar;    sugarcane;    fructose;    production;   
RP-ID  :  SSS-256
来源: United States Department of Agriculture Publications
【 摘 要 】

The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, requires that sugar marketing allotments be in effect in fiscal year (FY) 2010. The act requires that the Overall Allotment Quantity (OAQ) be set at no less than 85 percent of the estimated quantity of sugar for domestic consumption. On September 25, the Secretary of Agriculture announced that the FY 2010 OAQ is set at 9,235,250 short tons, raw value (STRV). This amount is above the minimum 85 percent level of the estimated sugar for domestic consumption. The report includes the special article "Tight Supplies Expected To Sustain High U.S. Sugar Prices into 2009/10."Listen to a podcastbased on this article.

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